Conference Agenda
All exhibits must be show ready by 6:30 pm on Thursday
Hor d’oeuvres and Beverage
David Starmer, BSc, DC, MHS
Paul Brumett, DVM
Terri Brumett
Wendy Coren, DC
Steven Hebrock, M.S. in Engineering, B.A. in Music Theory/Composition
David Starmer, BSc, DC, MHS
Workshop 2: Self-Care, Taking Care of Your Nervous System
Paul Brumett, DVM
Terri Brumett
Wendy Coren, DC
Jon Zeagler, D.C.
David Starmer, BSc, DC, MHS
Workshop 2 (cont): Self-Care, Taking Care of Your Nervous System
Paul Brumett, DVM
Terri Brumett
Sharik Peck, PT, MRC
Steven Hebrock, M.S. in Engineering, B.A. in Music Theory/Composition
Wendy Coren, DC
David Lundquist, DC
Rebecca Haddock
Lecture Details

Research Revolution: Leading the Way in Manual Therapy for Animals
Manual therapy is a crucial but often misunderstood practice that holds immense potential in healthcare. In the field of manual therapy, research plays a pivotal role in shaping policy, regulation, and the integration of care. We need a strong body of research to dispel myths, address critics, and advocate for professional rights. With the rapid advancement of technology, the landscape of teaching, learning, and research in manual therapy has transformed significantly. While there exists a wealth of evidence supporting the efficacy and safety of manual therapy in managing musculoskeletal disorders in humans, research pertaining to its impact on animal populations is lacking. This keynote lecture aims to explore key research developments in chiropractic care for humans and extrapolate its relevance to animal chiropractic. Join us for an interactive session that not only sheds light on current research but also seeks to gather insights from attendees to steer future research endeavors toward enhancing the profession. We need your voice to shape future research priorities. Please join this interactive session.
Self Care: Why we don't do it! And How we can start!
Many of us are working in hectic practices and have busy family lives. We feel burned out and don’t know what to do. This takes a toll on our health, our families, and the care we provide to our patients. This presentation will cover the autonomic nervous system and our experience of Fight, Flight, Freeze and Fawn. How to recognize which state your body is in and how to adapt and change it for a healthier response.
The Listening Test: A Quick and Effective Tool for Evaluating Balanced Equine Hoof Trimming & Shoeing
Whether barefoot or shod, hoof imbalances, which produce biomechanically-incorrect landings, also put unnatural stresses on joints. These stresses can easily lead to short- and long-term lower- and upper-body problems in the horse. A simple yet effective technique for evaluating hoof landings can be found in critical listening to the horse at the walk on a flat, even surface – a skill anyone can learn. This lecture will give participants the opportunity to see and hear various examples of hoof landings of balanced and unbalanced feet, and learn how to distinguish one from the other.
Light Heals - The Science and Clinical Applications of Red and Near Infrared Light for Animals
The Effects of Red Light Therapy have been studied across a wide range of animals and has been integrated into veterinary and holistic practices for decades. This course will offer evidence based approach to dosages, wavelengths, intensity, frequency, distance and treatment times. It will cover contraindications and precautions
Force Sensing Simulation Workshop : Capacity and Adaptability Competence for Canine Adjustin
What makes the perfect adjuster? Some may say, the ultimate adjuster is someone who can adapt the use of their force across a large spectrum to meet the needs of their patient big or small. Someone, who has not only control of their force but can judiciously execute the appropriate force lighting fast. Whether this is fact or fiction it forms the basis of many principles in education. This workshop is meant to provide participants with a hands on opportunity to explore simulation methods used for training animal chiropractic adjustments. Participants will have a chance to profile their own adjustments for their control of force/speed using advanced technology. Not only will you have a chance to walk away knowing more about your skills, you can also have fun challenging yourself to adapt your adjustments to match specific targets across a large spectrum that have been identified by experts in your profession. There is no safer place to test your limits and learn more about your capacity and adaptability than with simulation technology. Come have fun and try it out.
Self-Care, Taking Care of Your Nervous System
Many of us are working in hectic practices and have busy family lives. We feel burned out and don’t know what to do with it. This takes a toll on our health, our families, and the care we provide to our patients. In this fun one-hour workshop participants will experience their own parasympathetic and sympathetic responses and learn their default response. They will learn to recognize which state they are in and techniques to adapt and change it for a healthier response.
Logan Basic Technique in Equine Patients
This lecture will review the anatomy and physiology of the pelvis, sacrum and the sacrotuberous ligament and well as the biomechanics of the pelvis while in motion. We will discuss how asymmetrical imbalance of the pelvis can cause the sacrotuberous ligament to become tightened on one side of the pelvis in relation to the opposite side. This imbalance can cause not only a subluxation and decreased mobility but also a cascade of subluxations extending up the spine to the poll. We will discuss the most common subluxation patterns as well as the parasympathetic nervous system tone decreasing due to the subluxations and how we can rebalance the sympathetic/parasympathetic nervous system through an adjustment using the Logan Basic Technique.
Benefits of Vagus Nerve Stimulation for Animal Chiropractic Care Using Resonance Therapeutics
Providing techniques, case studies, and practical insights into using safe vagus nerve stimulation in the clinic and in the field.
Counting Calories - Helping You and Your Equine Clients Reap the Benefits of a Healthy Horse Diet
Obesity is an increasingly-common problem in horses, with performance implications and increased risk factors for laminitis, osteoarthritis, and other joint issues. Unfortunately, many people are intimidated by what is perceived as a challenging undertaking. The purpose of this lecture is to provide you and your clients with a straightforward set of tools and techniques designed to simplify the diet-planning process, which will ultimately yield healthier horses and happier clients.

The Method is YOU
- How to find the techniques that best suit your aptitude
- How to explain as you evaluate
- Recognizing Can't vs Won't for yourself and your animal client
- How to stick to the pain, or not
- How to create a reason would they want YOU as their practitioner

Using Kinesiology tape for biomechanics
We will examine the use of kinesiology tape to support normal and abnormal biomechanics, stabilize the body, alter movement, or address disorders and deformities.Patricia Holl, DC
Paul Brumett, DVM
Emily McLeod, DC
Christine Jurek, DVM, MSIVM-C
Emily McLeod, DC
Bill Ormston, DVM
David Lundquist, DC
David Starmer, BSc, DC, MHS
Bill Ormston, DVM
Kaitlyn Lackey, DC
David Starmer, BSc, DC, MHS
John Faherty, BS.DC
Brooks Swift
Emily McLeod, DC
David Starmer, BSc, DC, MHS
John Faherty, BS.DC
Bill Ormston, DVM
David Starmer, BSc, DC, MHS
(Family Friendly)
Hor d'oeuvres and Beverage (Cash Bar)
- Check In at Registration Desk 1 Hour Before Lab for Instructions
- Pre-Registration Required
- Lab is Non-Transferable/Non-Refundable
- Lab 1: Jon Zeagler, D.C. - Logan Basic Technique in Equine Patients
- Lab 2: Steven Hebrock, MS in Engineering, BA in Music Theory/Composition - An Equine Hoof Trimming Practicum
- Lab 3: Sharik Peck, PT, MRC - Using Vagus Nerve Stimulation through Resonance Therapy to Aid in Equine Chiropractic Care - A Hands On Approach
- Lab 4: Wendy Coren, DC - Light Heals Clinical Application of Red and Near infrared in Animals
- Lab/Lecture 5: Don Howard, DVM, CVA, CVC - Horses can't talk, or do they? Employ Acupressure Diagnostic Points to Improve Your Chiropractic Skills.
Lecture Details

The Neurology of Movement
How an understanding of the relationship between movement and neurology will improve your skills as an animal chiropractor and provide a more comprehensive approach to treatment of your animal patients.
Canine Mobility Assistance Devices, Measurement and Use
The Veterinary Industry has a number of braces, medical devices and coverings that can help increase function and comfort in our patients. A common problem is proper measuring for and fitting of these devices. This lab will give attendees the basic knowledge needed to properly measure for these assistive devices, what appropriate fit should look like and when to use them.
Come Swine With Me! The art and joy of adjusting pigs!
This lecture will cover the basics of Pyne chiropractic care. We will discuss handling, safety and technique differences for companion, show and production pigs. Learn some tips and tricks to make your pig adjusting experience as enjoyable and beneficial as possible.
How to be a Wellness Guru: Early Detection and Management of Mobility Disorders
This lecture will provide descriptions and visual aids to help the clinician with early identification of mobility issues - often before the client recognizes a problem with their pet. Content will include reviewing language to use in history taking, observation of posture and brief gait, and palpation findings which may reveal a subclinical or early clinical orthopedic or neurologic disorder. Further discussion will focus on management of these issues, with a focus on chiropractic care and nutritional support. The lecture will focus on the canine but will also include content for feline patients.
Equine Hind Limb Adjusting
In this lecture the attendee will be shown a safe and effective way to evaluate and adjust the hind limb of a horse. Hind limb adjusting is essential to efficient and powerful forward momentum of the horse as well as necessary for stability to stand and graze. Each joint of the hind limb will be discussed. We will evaluate normal and abnormal motion and what it takes to make the correction.
What is dural torque?
This lecture breaks down dural torque, what it is, what it causes, how to find it in a quadruped and how to make sure your chiropractic adjustment eliminates it.
Integrating video replay from your mobile device into your practice for patient analysis and patient education
Have you ever wished you could see your patients in their natural environments? Have you ever wanted to slow down a video to analyze your patient’s movements? Have you ever wished you could compare your patient’s motions before and after treatment? Have you ever wished you could illustrate faulty movements in your patients to educate their owners? The reality is all of these things are super easy to do with free software available on most mobile devices (cell phones and tablets).Please join us as we walk you through how to do these things. This workshop is hands experience on where you can use your own device or ones provided by our facilitators while we practice recording, analyzing, comparing and sharing videos. The possibilities are endless for how you can apply this in your daily life. Come join us to learn more.
Building Value so that clients continue to choose you
Do you wonder why you feel like you have to “sell” clients on chiropractic? Or do you wonder why your clients don’t book follow up appointments with you? Growing a business isn’t all about meeting new people and getting clients in the door… it actually has more to do with how you showcase and communicate value during each and every visit. As an introvert, I personally struggle with feeling like I have to “sell” chiropractic to my clients. I wanted to create an authentic and straight forward approach to communicating so that I could be myself but also grow my practice. In this lecture, I aspire to share some tips and tricks that I have learned along the way in order to help you grow your business without feeling like you’re “selling.”

Assessing and Embracing Risk While Overcoming Arduous Stressors of Daily Practice
This session will delve into the critical aspect of business growth and success while managing risks effectively. Co-presenting the presentation will be Dr. Emily McLeod, DC who is a seasoned expert in the management of an animal chiropractic practice.
In the journey of entrepreneurship, risk-taking is inevitable. However, the key lies in taking calculated risks with a clear action plan that propels your practice forward while mitigating potential setbacks. Throughout our discussion, we will uncover the significance of assessing the risks your business encounters and establish a robust decisions making framework.
Furthermore, we’ll address the vital role of documentation management in risk mitigation. Effective documentation not only ensures compliance but also serves as a shield during unforeseen challenges. Dr. McLeod will share invaluable insights into optimizing your documentation to bolster your business resilience with helpful tools so you can get your life back.
Lastly, we’ll delve into the hidden costs of chaos within your business. Chaos, whether in the form of disorganized process or unaddressed risks, places a toll on your practices efficiency and profitability. By grasping true costs of chaos, you’ll be propelled towards fostering a culture of accountability and clarity within your business.
Our aim is for you to walk away equipped with a deeper understanding of the risks your business faces and armed with the tools to navigate them effectively.
The Agility Dog and Common Findings
We will discuss common injuries found in agility dogs, as well as related recommended treatments and rehab issues. We will explore the different types of agility event surfaces, obstacles that are typically found in these agility events, and the relationship between dog and handler. From the point of view of an animal chiropractor, managing these athletes is exciting. This presentation will hopefully inspire you to become a provider of chiropractic for these dogs at events, and in the clinical setting. Time will be provided for questions and discussion. NOTE: Parts of this lecture is repeated from previous AVCA conferences, although new information has been added this year.
Do Your Clients Know Why?
This lecture will use case studies both good and bad chiropractic outcomes to help the attendee understand why they need to educate their communities about chiropractic.Lab Details

Logan Basic Technique in Equine Patients
In the Lab, the student will assess the posture of the patient and palpate the pelvis, sacrum and the sacrotuberous ligaments in order to determine the correct side of the horse’s pelvis to apply the contact. The student will have hands on training on how to apply the Logan Basic Technique.
An Equine Hoof Trimming Practicum
Watching a proper horse hoof trim is an experience not many people have had, simply because the overwhelming majority of professional hoof care providers in the U.S. have not been educated on the importance of proper hoof balance and the unintended but very real negative consequences of imbalance. This lab will demonstrate how a horse's hooves should be trimmed to facilitate the horse's long-term comfort and soundness while realizing the best movement possible, with an emphasis on identifying the properly-balanced hoof.
Using Vagus Nerve Stimulation through Resonance Therapy to Aid in Equine Chiropractic Care - A Hands On Approach
This lab will provide hands on experience for the practitioner by using resonant therapeutic tools to stimulate the vagus nerve in equine companions and performance animals to enhance their well-being and aid in chiropractic care.
Light Heals Clinical Application of Red and Near infrared in Animals
Application of multiple photobiomodulation ( Red light therapy) protocols before, after and during chiropractic adjustments. This lab will provide hands on techniques for relaxation, pain and recovery with a variety of tools as well as instruction for on going home therapies.
Horses can't talk, or do they? Employ Acupressure Diagnostic Points to Improve Your Chiropractic Skills.
Attendees will be introduced to Equine Acupressure Points in the Equine. Very beneficial in locating subluxations and other anatomic, neurologic maladies.Robin Robinett, DVM
Chelsey Michelsen, DVM
Dylan Lutter, DVM, MS, DACVS-LA
Robin Robinett, DVM
Chelsey Michelsen, DVM
Jon Zeagler, D.C.
Grand Drawing at 10:50
Carl DeStefano, DC DACNB FACFN
- Check In at Registration Desk 1 Hour Before Lab for Instructions
- Pre-Registration Required
- Lab is Non-Transferable/Non-Refundable
Canine Labs
- Lab 1: Paul Brumett, DVM - Canine Mobility Assistance Devices, Measurement and Use
- Lab 2: Sharik Peck, PT, MRC - Using Vagus Nerve Stimulation through Resonance Therapy to Aid in Equine Chiropractic Care - A Hands On Approach
- Lab 3: Wendy Coren, DC - Light Heals Clinical Application of Red and Near infrared in Animals
- Lab 4: John Faherty, BS.DC - Assessing the Agility Dog at an agility Event
- Lab 5: Bill Ormston, DVM - Finding and Removing Dural torque
Equine Labs
- Lab 6: Steven Hebrock, MS in Engineering, BA in Music Theory/Composition / Dora Hebrock - Dissection of the Equine Lower Limb and Foot
Lecture Details

Diagnosis and Management of Equine Over-Riding Dorsal Spinous Process Disorder
This lecture will cover the relevant anatomy, biomechanics, pathology, diagnosis, and management of the disorder commonly known as “Kissing Spines” in horses. Attendees will gain an understanding of the available modalities for managing this disorder and how chiropractic can be incorporated.
Can It Walk?
We will share unusual cases we have treated. Chiropractic is the main treatment we use to treat these patients. Other treatments may be done with chiropractic, but we feel that chiropractic is the most important component to begin healing and to restore normal function to the nervous system. Many of these patients were not walking initially, so after giving signalment of the patient and showing radiographs, we will poll the audience to see if they think the patient came in walking. After discussing exam findings and treatments, we will poll the audience for their opinion on the final outcome of the case. With these cases, we will stress the impact chiropractic has on patient’s lives and how much it can improve the patient’s and owner’s quality of life!
The Science and Use of Acoustic Compression Therapy (Shockwave Therapy) in Practice
This lecture will present the science of Acoustic Compression Therapy. Its origin and evolution into a main physiotherapy modality being used in both Veterinary and Chiropractic clinic settings. We will discuss the conditions, therapeutic application and results seen a clinical setting. We will also discuss the contraindications of Acoustic Compression Therapy. Incorporated into the lecture will be video presentations of its use on both small and large animals.
Diagnosis of Lesions of the Peripheral Nervous System
The anatomy of the peripheral nervous system is reviewed as a preview to diagnosis and treatment. Functional causes of peripheral neuropathy are a very common aspect of many frequently seen conditions. The peripheral nervous system is vulnerable at many different levels and from many different causes. Irritation to the components of the peripheral nervous system are susceptible to postural changes causing compression and long axis traction. The resulting muscle paresis leads to joint instability and increased probability of injury and or breakdown. Sensory concomitants may include dysesthesias resulting in pain, lick granulomas and other sensory issues invisible to the clinician. Autonomic consequences are possible particularly as it regards the vagus nerve. Functional causes of peripheral nervous system involvement are much more common than traumatic or other pathological causes. Once the longitudinal level of the peripheral nervous system is determined specific receptor based therapies can be utilized as a correction.Lab Details

Canine Mobility Assistance Devices, Measurement and Use
The Veterinary Industry has a number of braces, medical devices and coverings that can help increase function and comfort in our patients. A common problem is proper measuring for and fitting of these devices. This lab will give attendees the basic knowledge needed to properly measure for these assistive devices, what appropriate fit should look like and when to use them.
Using Vagus Nerve Stimulation through Resonance Therapy to Aid in Canine Chiropractic Care - A Hands On Approach
This lab will provide hands on experience for the practitioner by using resonant therapeutic tools to stimulate the vagus nerve in canine companions and performance animals to enhance their well-being and aid in chiropractic care.
Light Heals Clinical Application of Red and Near infrared in Animals
Application of multiple photobiomodulation ( Red light therapy) protocols before, after and during chiropractic adjustments. This lab will provide hands on techniques for relaxation, pain and recovery with a variety of tools as well as instruction for on going home therapies.
Assessing the Agility Dog at an agility Event
We will discuss how to set up to be the animal chiropractor at an agility event including analysis and common findings, palpation practice, gait analysis, as much hands on as possible.
Finding and Removing Dural torque
The participants will examine animals present for the presence of dural torque in at least 3 different ways.
Dissection of the Equine Lower Limb and Foot
Given the complex, three-dimensional forms of the bones of the equine foot, grasping the internal structures and their relationships in the horse’s foot is challenging, if not impossible, without a first-hand look. This lab will aid the chiropractor in understanding the form and function of these structures, facilitating diagnostic efforts including radiograph evaluation, and impart a genuine appreciation for the complexity of the foot and its structures.